Monday, September 21

Wedding Weekend

Yeah, I know, it's been a long time. I shouldn't have left you without a dope beat to step to. (Aliyah? Anyone?) Here are some highlights from the weekend:

Kristen & Greg's Wedding:
  1. I tackled Greg into the pool at the rehearsal dinner. He didn't go easy, but had it coming.
  2. One of the ceremony readings was Dr. Seuss' "Oh the Places You'll Go".
  3. Bride and Groom kissed at the end of the ceremony. He then hiked her a football and she led him on a tight spiral down the aisle. Catch made = marriage is going to last.
  4. Instead of placecards, you got a snap-it bracelet with your name and table number on it.
  5. At the reception, girls entered to "Girls" by the Beastie Boys. Guys entered to the "A-Team" theme song. Finally, G&K entered to the theme song of the Celts and Bruins, Carmina Burana O Fortuna, which is probably the most epic classical music (rivaled only by the theme song of the Last of the Mohegans).
  6. Some things I yelled out at the wedding: "What about leap years?!" "The Moon!" "Greg you're hot!" "Nobody sits Baby in the corner"
On the down side, I went to the ER on Saturday morning with a uvula the size of a T-bone. Was fairly sure that it was the Swine Flu, but the doctor said probably not. Saturday was also International Talk Like a Pirate Day. When I mentioned this to the doctor, he gave me a long stare, then nodded and said "yarrr".

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