Monday, September 14

"About Me" Contest

So Blogger gives me the old "About Me" area that I should fill out. I never know what to write in that area. Facebook asked me the same exact God-damn question. My general response is to stare at my computer for a little while, write up some nonsense, post it, view it 2 hours later, and determine that I'm a retard for writing something that stupid. So pretty much it's a lose-lose situation.

If Michael Scott has taught me anything, it's that I should strive for the 5th option of resolution for any conflict, which is win-win-win. So here's the deal: reply to this post with your best "About Me" for me. I will chose the best, and in return, you will get a shipped package from me. I have no idea what will be in it yet. Might be a dented can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle. Could be Toby the Cat.

I get an awesome "About Me" = win
You get random shit from me = a definite win (who doesn't like getting something in the mail?)
General populace can enjoy entries and rejoice = win

Bring it, Scranton.

1 comment:

  1. Well, well, I didn't see this "contest" until this morning and have just the thing for you sir.

    I did me a "training" for a new GA and guess who reaps the benefits? If I can figure out a way to post it, you're in luck.
