So I'm in the local Subway a couple of days ago waiting for my delicious sweet onion chicken teriyaki when an interesting exchange occurred behind me in line between the polite sandwich-maker and a guy whose greasy pony-tail possibly smells like the inside of shinguard after a long soccer game.
Delicatessen: "What kind of bread would you like?"
Pony-tailed man: "American."
Delicatessen: "Umm... you mean white?"
Pony-tailed man: "Right. American."
Now, I'm not debating this man's intelligence, because I firmly believe he was an idiot. Like lose to Forrest Gump in a spelling bee level on the word "couch" (R.... are you going to the mall later?). And I laughed heartedly afterward. But then I got to thinking, what if the abundant slightly-backwards people of this country (i.e. the South) start calling white bread "american". Are we going to let this happen? I mean France and Italy have bread named after them.
Actually, France also has a toast (which isn't made from French bread... weird...) and fries. So let's look at the overarching question: Should we have a food named after America, and if so, what food is worthy?
Now I know some of you will say "um, duh, Apple Pie is American". And I would agree. But it doesn't have the word "American" in the title. When we landed on the moon first, did we just let everyone else know and then turn around? No, we put a big fucking flag there, as if to say "finders keepers, bitch. This is mine now, I keep it!" Same with food. We need to put a huge stamp on that glorious piece of sustenance.
Let me know what you think is worthy. I will be the judge. Why? I came up with it. Finders keepers, bitch.
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